Should Wisconsinites Worry About Kissing Bugs?

this side view image of a kissing bug shows their six legs, antennae, and oval shaped body

Every so often, news spreads of a devastating pest species expanding its territory across the United States. Often, these novel threats turn out to be much ado about nothing. But they’re still worth knowing about because pests can have a major impact on the environment – and that’s especially true of this newest example: the kissing bug. Although there haven’t been any reported sightings of kissing bugs in Wisconsin yet, it may just be a matter of time before that changes. So, just how dangerous are kissing bugs really? Are kissing bugs something that Wisconsinites should worry about?

What Are Kissing Bugs?

Kissing bugs are a species of insect that’s prevalent in the tropical regions of Central and South America. They’re known for biting people while they’re asleep and transmitting a dangerous parasitic infection called Chagas disease. And, yep, you guessed it: in recent years, they’ve been making their way northward. As of this writing, kissing bug sightings have been reported in 32 states.

Mature kissing bugs range in size from about ¾” to 1 ¾” long. They have an ovular abdomen and a cone-shaped head, which is why they’re sometimes called “cone-nosed bugs” rather than “kissing bugs.” They have six legs, two sets of wings, and coloring that’s reddish-brown to orange in color.

It’s not difficult to mistake other more harmless, more common pests for kissing bugs. Stink bugs, for example, have a similarly shaped abdomen but lack the kissing bug’s characteristic coloring. 

What Makes Kissing Bugs Dangerous?

Kissing bugs like to bite people while they sleep, especially on the face, near the mouth or eyes. That’s how they got the name “kissing bugs.” But it’s not the bite itself that’s dangerous. It’s what comes after the bite. Kissing bugs often transmit the T. cruzi parasite to people they bite, which goes on to cause Chagas disease.

Chagas disease occurs in two phases: acute and chronic. The acute form of Chagas disease has a lot in common with the flu. Fever, headaches, and malaise are common symptoms. Some individuals only experience very mild symptoms, and some have no symptoms at all. Very rarely, cases of severe acute Chagas disease can be life-threatening. Seek immediate medical attention for severe Chagas disease symptoms.

But also, you should seek medical attention for Chagas disease of any severity. Even if your symptoms are mild, or you have no symptoms at all, if you have reason to believe you have been exposed to Chagas disease, get treated. Doctors can prescribe antiparasitic medications that will prevent acute Chagas disease from developing into the chronic form.

Chronic Chagas disease can take 10 to 30 years from the time of biting to develop in an individual, but once it does, there aren’t any effective treatments. The disease attacks major organ systems like the heart, brain, and digestive system, gradually reducing the body’s function. It’s a terrible, debilitating disease that afflicts millions of people, primarily in tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas.

No Need to Worry About Kissing Bugs Yet – Just Know What They Are

As of this writing, according to the Texas A&M Kissing Bug and Chagas Disease in the United States Community Science Project, kissing bugs have not been sighted yet in Wisconsin. However, they have been sighted in Illinois and Pennsylvania, which suggests they’re at least capable of reaching colder climates.If you do happen to see a kissing bug on your property, call the local pest control professionals at Batzner. We’ll send over an experienced insect expert who can inspect your whole property to confirm if it’s actually kissing bugs – and what the extent of the infestation might be. But it is unlikely you’ll find one because, fortunately, kissing bugs are still exceedingly rare in the United States.

Rodents: The Worst Backseat Drivers

deer mouse nest in a car engine

It gets cold here in Wisconsin during the winter. We may be able to bundle up with scarves and heavy jackets, but the animals like rats and mice cannot. Because of that, they’re left to do whatever they can to stay warm. So, by leaving your car out on the street or in the vicinity of unsecured food, it turns into the perfect cozy spot for them to nest and feed. And you don’t want to play chauffeur for a colony of rodents. Not only would doing so be unpleasant, but it also puts you and your passengers in danger. Batzner Pest Control knows a lot about rodents, and we’ve been handling rat and mouse infestations since 1946. With our help, we can keep them out of your house and away from your vehicle. But before you call for our services, you should know a few things. Let’s talk about the warning signs of rats in your car, the risks that come from their presence, and what we can do to make your life easier and more comfortable.

Signs of Rodents in the Car

At their core, rodents are concerned with three things: eating, nesting, and defecating.

 Rats and mice both have incisors that are constantly growing from birth to death. So, to prevent discomfort, they have to constantly be chewing on pretty much anything to grind them down. This could result in them eating through the crucial wires and hoses in the structure of your car. It may also be beneficial to check your insulation and upholstery, as these are two materials most commonly torn into for nests. Rodent nests in the car are usually located around heat sources, such as the heat ducts, engine compartments, or under the center console. And if you find any droppings (ranging from the size of a speck of coffee to a grain of rice), this is also a major indicator of rats or mice in your car. Regardless of what it is, if you suspect rodents in your vehicle, don’t wait to act. With the amount of time we spend in our cars steadily increasing, it’s more important than ever to make sure the vehicle we operate is running safely.

Risks of Rodents

Do you have to treat rodents in the car? With so much going on, it’s all too easy to turn a blind eye to these furry hitchhikers. This plan of action may only compound your problems. If there are rats or mice in the structure of your car, it’s only a matter of time before they bite through something valuable or mechanically important. Maybe you see that the plastic paneling on the dashboard is chewed up. That might not be too big of a deal in your eyes. But for every visible sign of damage, there could be something else you might be missing. And the last thing you want is to realize your power steering line has been severed when you need it most.

We all know that mouse poop is just gross. What you might not know is that it’s also a carrier of potentially fatal illnesses like hantavirus and salmonellosis. So if you leave them in your car, you’re circulating pathogen particles in the air. A professional can safely sanitize your car. The right team will know how to remove existing rodents and deter more from taking their place. And if you’re looking for the best and most comprehensive rodent pest control in Wisconsin, Batzner Pest Control is here.

Batzner for Rodent Pest Control

If rats or mice get in your car, you run the risk of them migrating into your house. If that happens, the Batzner team is well-equipped. We can implement exclusionary efforts to make it so your home is far less appealing to rats and mice. We know how stressful it can be to deal with rodents on your own – so you shouldn’t have to. Instead, trust the team with more than 75 years of experience eliminating rodents in Wisconsin. With our help, you can enjoy the thrills and convenience of the open road in your car without any rodent passengers. Want to know more? Contact us today to get started!

A Pest-Free Winter is a TAP Away!

TAP insulation in an attic

It’s safe to say that every homeowner in Wisconsin wants a holiday season where they can stay warm in their homes, secure from any pests. If you have an active infestation, you can count on Batzner Pest Control for residential or commercial pest control. But what if you want consistent protection that works without you having to lift a finger? And what if you want that protection to also work in keeping your home warmer in the winter and generally more efficient? Luckily, for homeowners in our area, there’s an answer to problems like these in the form of TAP insulation. TAP, when properly installed by a professional like the team at Batzner, can play a major role in your pest control and home insulation. And all in one simple material!

What is TAP® Pest Control Insulation?

TAP stands for Thermal Acoustical Pest control insulation. It’s made from 85% recycled cellulose that’s chemically treated and then blown into your attic or wall voids. We can easily install it over existing insulation. What makes TAP insulation so unique from other forms of insulation is that it’s coated in a layer of borate. These mineral salts are low-toxic for humans and larger animals. However, if a pest gets in contact with it, they will ingest it while grooming themselves. This will inevitably result in them dying of dehydration or malnutrition. Because of that, TAP insulation is proven in being a quality pest control tool that works 24/7 with no needed assistance.

TAP® Insulation Benefits

The main benefit of TAP is its ability to kill a variety of pests. It’s an incredibly durable material that doesn’t lose effects over time, and if not damaged it can last 100 years. By installing TAP installation, you can actively exterminate: 

  • Ants
  • Cockroaches
  • Earwigs
  • Silverfish
  • Snails
  • Stink Bugs
  • Termites, including Formosan termites.

Aside from being a permanent pesticide, TAP also functions as one of the best insulations on the market. Compared to other materials it is 32% more efficient at keeping you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. With the proper degree of insulation, your HVAC devices will run better and with less energy. This can save you money and ultimately extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling devices. That way you’re getting consistent coverage and protection for your home throughout the year.

TAP® Insulation with Batzner Pest Control

TAP insulation is a great way to protect your home at all times, especially in places you can’t see, like your attic. And it’s easy to add with Batzner Pest Control. Our team has comprehensive, ongoing training to stay on the cutting edge of pest control. Whether you want treatment now or protection for the foreseeable future, you can trust us to get the job done right. Contact us today to get started!

Arach-Nope! Be Careful with the Wolf Spider!

Wolf spider on white background

Halloween is a time to think about the things that scare us, and when it comes to spiders we don’t have to think hard. Many see even a small arachnid and bite back a yelp. So when you imagine a four-inch spider on your floor, you’re likely already reaching for the biggest, heaviest thing to smash it with.

But what if I were to tell you that, if you stomp that Twinkie-sized spider, it could seemingly burst into a rippling cascade of hundreds of baby spiders. What then?

No, this isn’t a scare from a horror movie. This is a real thing that could happen when interacting with a wolf spider. Now you may be asking – what is a wolf spider? How do I know that I’ve found one and who can I call to get rid of it?

Identifying the Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders range from about 1.5″ to almost 4″, leg to leg. They have eight eyes arranged in three rows, and a two-part body made up of a cephalothorax and abdomen. They look similar to the brown recluse or the black widow, though the wolf spider is usually larger and is not seen on a web.

These kinds of spiders actually can’t make webs. Instead of hunting from one set location, they chase after their prey, running at a remarkable speed of two feet a second. But not making a web makes a difference on more than their diet.

Since they don’t have a web to hold their eggs, the mother wolf spider carries the sac on her abdomen. And then once they hatch, these babies continue to cluster together on their mother’s back. So when you disturb or try to kill the female wolf spider, her hundreds of spiderlings will scatter in every direction to seek safety. The best way to keep that from happening is to take preventative measures.

Preventing Spiders at Home

A lot of the strategies you can take to keep away wolf spiders also keep away spiders as a whole. Spiders like clutter, so if keep your home organized and clean, they’ll have fewer opportunities to nest. This includes the main rooms of your home, but it also covers places you spend less time in like your closets, attic, basement or garage. Even outside your home, it will help to remove piles of firewood and debris from up against the walls of your home.

Taking all of these preventative measures is one thing, but what do you do if there is already an infestation of spiders inside the home? No no, put down that boot. You know by now that Batzner Pest Control has a better way.

Spider Control with Batzner Pest Control

Batzner is your local pest control company, and our spider exterminators can remove infestations of any scope. We can find and seal the entry points they may have taken so that you can get rid of them for good. Reach out to get started with a free quote today!

Fall Pests to Watch Out For

a swarm of stink bugs coming out of a wall

As the weather cools you may notice more and more unwelcome creatures hanging around your home. That’s not just your imagination! It’s something called “overwintering”, which is what all insects and animals do to survive the colder weather. This might mean migrating to warmer climates or burrowing under debris to stay warm. Or it might lead pests to use your home to make it through the winter. They’ll find a quiet corner to settle in and then burst into activity in the spring. Good for them – not so much for you and your property.

These pests could be tiny bugs or larger rodents. You may find them, or you may not.  The latter is a major problem, as the most destructive infestations are the ones you don’t see until it’s too late. This could include Asian Lady beetles, stink bugs and termites, just to name a few. Read on to learn more about some common pests that may invade your home this fall.

Asian Lady Beetles

Asian lady beetles look similar to ladybugs, the garden darling that children love to linger over. The Asian lady, however, is bigger and may or may not have spots. More than that, finding one of them in your home is anything but a sign of good luck. These innocent-seeming mimics hang together in large groups and are able to use pheromones to communicate their location to the pack. That means that if one gets in, you can very easily wind up with an infestation in little to no time.

They tend to populate empty spaces like your attic or inside the walls. And while Asian Lady beetles aren’t known for bites or stings, their waste can potentially cause stains and irritation to anyone with respiratory illnesses. So for their sake, and since no one wants to live in a home full of bugs, it’s best to seek professional help through Batzner Pest Control. We can seal up the potential entry points in a way that’ll keep your home safe from Asian Lady beetles, as well as most other invaders.


You probably know that squirrels are excellent climbers, but did you know that roof rats and mice can climb nearly just as well? Most rodents will climb almost anything; and things like branches, fences and drainpipes can all be used to access the roof of your residence.  If you aren’t prepared, that can be all you need for a furry creature to take up residence in the core of your home! Luckily, unlike other pests, if you have a rat or squirrel inside your walls, you’ll hear it. It’ll sound like scratching or gnawing noises, and both are signs that it’s time to call an experienced rodent exterminator like the specialists at Batzner Pest Control. As kind as you may be, we do not suggest trying to remove any rodent on your own. Our team is trained in wildlife exclusion and can return this wayward traveler back to the Great Outdoors safely.

Stink Bugs

The brown marmorated stink bug is the variety most commonly found around the house. They’re an invasive, non-native species that originated in Asia. Brown marmorated stink bugs are flat, brown and gray colored, and range in size from ¼” to ⅜”. Once they get into your house they crowd in quiet spots where they won’t be disturbed, nesting in your attic or crawlspace to stay warm. And if something happens and they do feel threatened, they’ll release a smell that’ll tell you very quickly why they have the name that they do.



Wasp colonies don’t overwinter as a whole, so as the weather cools the hive gradually dies off until it’s just the queen. She, already fertilized, will hide out the cold season in a hollow log, stump, or under leaves. However, if none of that is readily available, she may choose instead to take up residence in the attic or siding of your home. Then, when spring hits, this lonely wasp will populate and craft a whole new colony right above your head. This is commonly seen in homes without attic vents or other vital seals. If you don’t want to play landlord for some very unpleasant tenants, it’s best to call Batzner for a wasp removal technique that is eco-friendly with your needs in mind!

Trusted Exterminators in Wisconsin

Batzner Pest Control has been providing Wisconsin with first-class pest control services since 1946. We know you have your choice of pest control companies, but we’re confident that we have a level of care and service that can’t be beaten. If you think you have any of the above pests in your home, Batzner Pest Control can help get them out and keep them out. Even if you don’t have an infestation you can count on us to take preventative action to keep your household free of insects and rodents year-round. Call us for a free quote!

Get Rid of Late Summer Pests

A mosquito

You might think that you’re in the clear for pest problems when the summer heat starts to dwindle, but certain types of pests actually thrive around this time. With an ample amount of warmth and plenty of people participating in outdoor activities, the pests of late summer have an easy time finding what they need, whether it be a blood meal, a food supply, or a place to build their nest. In order to ensure that pests don’t steal the last of your summer, you have to take preventative measures against them. Read on to learn what pests to watch for and what you can do about them with the experts at Batzner Pest Control in Wisconsin!

Common Pests in Late Summer

Every season has its own pest problems. The pests that bug us in the late summer are typically the ones that have the most to gain from warm conditions. They are as follows:

  • Bees and wasps: Bees and wasps stay active into the late summer pollinating plants and taking advantage of the food that humans leave outside during barbecues, get-togethers, and whatnot.
  • Ticks: Ticks breed during the early summer, producing a yield of offspring that will climb to the tops of tall grass in search of hosts a month later. They thrive in the overgrowth during warm weather.
  • Wildlife: Wild animals that usually hibernate during the cold winter months spend their summers outside and too often in our business. Wild animals like raccoons, opossums, and squirrels that wander into your yard could tear through your trash or garden and cause serious damage.
  • Mosquitoes: If mosquitoes establish a successful breeding population, their numbers will be so high by the late summer that it will be almost impossible to deal with them. Mosquitoes remain active as long as temperatures don’t drop below 50°F consistently.

Pest-Proof Your Property for Late Summer

Drastic infestations of any of these kinds of pests call for the intervention of a professional exterminator, but there are some general housekeeping strategies you can try to prevent pest problems on your property before they start. We recommend the following:

  1. Keep your yard tidy: Make sure that all of your trees and shrubs are trimmed back, promptly dispose of piles of grass clippings or other vegetation, and make sure you aren’t leaving out any items that could lead to a small, temporary pest shelter.
  2. Seal your home: Regularly monitor the outside of your property to make sure that your home doesn’t have any cracks or gaps in roofing, foundation, or siding.
  3. Be careful with trash: Using bins that seal and regularly taking out your garbage to the outside bins will go a long way in preventing wildlife infestations.
  4. Get rid of standing water: Mosquitoes breed in pools of standing water, no matter how small. Covering up pools, spas, and birdbaths and regularly checking for rainwater pools will help keep mosquitoes away.

Help with Summer Pests

If you’ve tried everything you can to prevent pest infestations to no avail, it’s time to team up with your local pest control company. Our team at Batzner Pest Control is entirely licensed, certified, and thoroughly trained on all of the types of pests that we regularly see here in Wisconsin. We can determine the cause of your infestation, put it to a stop, and teach you how to identify and correct vulnerabilities on your own going forward. Reach out today for a free quote!

Why Are Ants Still Coming Back Inside?

Ant trail forming in a bathroom

All kinds of pests are emerging with the warm summer weather here in Wisconsin, but ants are some of the most persistent of these. We’ve all dealt with ant trails in our homes before. Many of us have also had the frustrating experience of trying countless times to put a stop to our ant infestation, only to have them return again. Why is it that ants are so hard to finally get rid of?

Ants are as ceaseless as they are for a few different reasons. It’s important to make yourself aware of these reasons so that you can properly defend your home against them. To learn all about at-home ant control, read on for advice from our experts at Batzner Pest Control!

Why is My DIY Ant Control Falling Short?

The problem with most DIY ant control approaches is that they ignore the source of the problem in favor of attacking its symptoms. Although your natural reaction to finding an ant trail in your home will likely be to get rid of the visible ants as soon as possible, squashing or spraying your ants with a store-bought spray will be negligible or even harmful in the long run. This is because ants release a pheromone signal as they die that warns their colony members of a dangerous site to avoid. The other ants in their colony will divert their intrusion to take different pathways into your home. Given that ants are so small and sneaky, your home is probably littered with access points they can use!

Reliable Ways to Keep the Ants Out

You’re probably curious as to what measures you should take to get rid of ants if you can’t squash or spray them. These are the steps we recommend you take to keep ants out in the first place:

  • Follow their trail: Your first step in ant control should be to look for the source of your ant trail. If you can trace it back to the point at which they are entering your home, you can block it off with caulk, screens, or a citrus-based cleaning solution.
  • Stop access to food and water: Ants are often looking for crumbs, spills, and moisture in our homes, so being haphazard with your food and spills will keep ants coming back for more. Make sure to keep your food stowed away properly and keep your bathroom well-ventilated.
  • Hire a professional: The best way to prevent ant infestations in the long run is to work with an expert to identify anthills on your property. A pro ant control technician can trace your trail back to its source and exterminate the colony on sight.

Expert Home Ant Control in Wisconsin

If you can’t figure out how to shut down your ant infestation, it’s best to leave the work to professional ant exterminators. Our ant exterminators at Batzner Pest Control are closely familiar with all of the ant species in Wisconsin. We can set up an ant control plan that eliminates all active colonies on your property and teach you how to stop ants on your own in the future. Reach out today for a free quote!

Mosquito Prevention: 4 Signals Mosquitoes Use to Locate Humans

A mosquito in Wisconsin - Batzner Pest Control

It does take a while for mosquitoes to come back into prominence after our long Wisconsin winters, but these pests are well-equipped to feed and thrive every summer here. Even though it might seem like there’s nothing you can do to avoid them during the warmer months, this isn’t true. If you learn about the signals they look for and what you can do to limit these signals, you can enjoy more mosquito-free time outside. Read on for mosquito prevention advice from the mosquito exterminators at Batzner Pest Control.

4 Signals Mosquitoes Use to Locate Hosts

It seems to be the case that mosquitoes prefer certain people over others, but scientists have yet to come to a consensus on the unwavering genetic or biological qualities that make people more attractive to them. However, we do know that there are 4 main signs that mosquitoes look out for to find hosts to feed on:

  1. Breath: When we exhale, we release carbon dioxide into the air that mosquitoes pick up on. An increased level of CO2 tells mosquitoes that potential hosts are nearby.
  2. Body odor: Our body odor is attractive to mosquitoes, and this natural scent is amplified when we perspire. This means that working out around mosquito breeding grounds will result in more bites than usual.
  3. Body temperature: Mosquitoes gravitate toward higher body temperatures. Wearing dark clothing can trap heat close to your body and create a target for mosquitoes.
  4. Color: Human skin, regardless of pigmentation, gives off longer light wavelengths that mosquitoes use to find hosts.

Stopping Mosquito Bites in Wisconsin

Although these signals are impossible to cut out completely, there are ways that you can limit the signals that you give off, and extra efforts you can take to discourage mosquitoes from living and breeding around your property. We recommend that you take this mosquito prevention advice:

  • Get rid of standing water: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in pools of standing water as big as ponds and as small as tiny puddles. If you find that rainwater is collecting in your buckets, planters, gutters, or elsewhere in your yard, cover it up or pour it out.
  • Use bug spray: EPA-approved insect repellent products containing either DEET or picaridin are the most effective options for spray-on mosquito control. If you would rather use an all-natural alternative, try lemon eucalyptus oil or citronella candles.
  • Wear covering clothing: Limiting exposed skin will block signals to mosquitoes that you’re available and decrease their viable biting real estate. Light-colored clothing can also help to keep your body temperature down.

Why Professional Mosquito Control Works

It’s easy to allow a mosquito problem to grow rapidly out of sight because mosquitoes are capable of breeding in inconspicuous areas where you wouldn’t think to look. If you don’t know what to do to avoid constant mosquito bites, reach out to your local pest control company. Our mosquito exterminators at Batzner Pest Control can conduct a property-wide inspection to figure out where these pests are coming from and how we can keep them out all summer long. Reach out today for a free quote!

10 Tips for Backyard Pest Control

A backyard to be serviced in Wisconsin - Batzner Pest Control

Relief sets in across Wisconsin every year as the frigid winter recedes into spring. We’re all excited about spending more time outside, but unfortunately, so are the many bugs and wild animals living in our region. Looking to learn how to keep your backyard pest-free* this spring and summer? Read on for 10 top tips we’ve gathered from our expert technicians here at Batzner Pest Control!

10 Ways to Keep Pests Out of Your Backyard

Even when it’s still cold and dreary out, it’s important to start pest-proofing your backyard to make sure it isn’t overrun with pests come spring and summer. We’ve put together our 10 best pest control tips for you to consider when getting your backyard ready for the warmer seasons:

  1. Trim your plants: When you let your trees, bushes, and shrubs grow out of control, you allow shaded hiding places to host pests like ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. Take care of your plants to prevent unnecessary pest shelters.
  2. Look out for standing water: Pools of standing water often build up in our gutters, planters, divots in our landscapes, and more. If you find still water pooling anywhere in your yard, pour it out or cover it to prevent mosquito breeding grounds.
  3. Mow your lawn weekly: Lawn overgrowth can trap moisture and provide shelter, creating a bug haven below the blades. Mow regularly to keep lawn pests out.
  4. Dethatch your lawn: While a thin layer of thatch helps insulate your lawn, too much of it will choke out your grass and lead to pest infestations.
  5. Use garden netting: Your garden may be attracting more pests to your yard than you realize. Garden netting can protect plants and keep away bugs and wildlife looking for a free meal.
  6. Clear out yard waste: From heaps of leaves to stray sticks and branches, yard waste on the ground can create temporary shelters for pests. Make sure to clean up your yard regularly to prevent hiding places.
  7. Keep firewood elevated and distanced: Termite infestations often start when someone leaves their woodpile leaned against their home or back deck. Use a firewood rack or a makeshift platform to keep your firewood off of the ground and away from your wooden structures.
  8. Close your bins: From wasps to raccoons, all sorts of pests try their luck looking for food in our trash cans. Make sure your bins are closed and keep them away from your yard if possible.
  9. Water your lawn properly: Because both overwatering and underwatering your lawn can lead to pest infestations, it can be very helpful to rely on an irrigation or sprinkler system to keep your lawn healthy and pest-free*.
  10. Hire an exterminator: An experienced exterminator can figure out why you’re dealing with pest problems and create a plan to put a stop to them.

Pest Control for your Backyard in Wisconsin

If you’ve tried everything you can think of and are still dealing with pests, tell your local pest control company about your problems. Our team at Batzner Pest Control can come out to assess your property for vulnerabilities and problem areas, putting together a plan to get rid of all active pests and keep them away for good. Reach out today for a free quote!

How to Deal with Carpenter Ant Damage

A carpenter ant in Wisconsin - Batzner Pest Control

While they might not be quite as destructive as termites, carpenter ants are wood-destroying insects that we have to watch out for. The issue with carpenter ants is that they don’t ever have to leave our homes—they can build multiple nests inside our walls and continue to cause destruction from within. It’s important to know the best ways to keep them out of your building and how to get rid of them when they show up. Read on for advice from the top carpenter ant exterminators in Wisconsin at Batzner Pest Control!

Do I Have Carpenter Ant Damage?

Carpenter ant damage is notoriously difficult to detect until it becomes a serious problem. Because carpenter ants nest inside our walls and can even break off to create satellite nests, damage can start from deep within and spread all over with ease. Have you noticed any of these signs of carpenter ant damage in your home?

  • Small, unexplained piles of wood shavings
  • Faint rustling sounds coming from your walls
  • Winged ants crawling out of holes or cracks in your building

Carpenter ants are black in color and usually measure ¼-⅜” in length. If the ants you’re seeing around damaged wood aren’t winged, check for large mandibles. This is a good sign that you have carpenter ants.

Get Rid of Carpenter Ants to Stop Damage

If you’re already sure that you have carpenter ants or carpenter ant damage in your home or business, the first thing you have to do is get rid of them to make sure that they can’t cause any further destruction. There are a few DIY carpenter ant removal strategies that you may wish to try:

  1. Mixing borax with sugar water to put near their nest
  2. Pouring soapy water or window cleaner into their nest area to flush them out
  3. Use natural remedies like cinnamon, lemon eucalyptus oil, or citrus-based cleaners to deter them from moving throughout your home

The problem with these strategies is that they don’t often get rid of carpenter ants for good. To do so, you have to find their main nest and possibly even multiple satellite nests that they’ve built, depending on the length and severity of the infestation.

Professional Carpenter Ant Extermination in Wisconsin

The only way to be sure that you’ve gotten rid of every carpenter ant in your home or business is to hire an expert ant exterminator to inspect your home for nests. Our ant control team is trained to conduct exhaustive inspections to complete WDI reports that leave no corner or crevice unchecked. We can also help you determine the source of your infestation and give you advice on how to protect your unique building from carpenter ants in the future. Contact us today for a free quote!