Bed Bug Education for Hotel Management

bed bugs in hotels in Wisconsin - Batzner pest control

In hospitality, the comfort and well-being of your guests is always a top priority. The last thing you need is for a bed bug infestation to ruin their stay and damage your reputation. While it may feel impossible to keep bed bugs out when people are constantly coming and going, there are some precautions businesses such as hotel management can take to minimize risk. Here’s what hotel management needs to know about bed bugs. 

How Common Are Bed Bugs in Hotels?

Bed bugs are notorious for hitchhiking on travelers, which makes hotels a hot spot for infestations. As people come and go, they may bring all sorts of insects, and with a constant flow of hosts, bed bugs can thrive in any type of hotel environment. 

Though many people do not associate bed bug infestations with cleanliness, they can happen in even the best-kempt hotels. Unfortunately, if somebody brings them into your establishment, they can spread like wildfire from room to room. 

How Can You Prevent Bed Bugs as a Hotel Manager?

It’s incredibly difficult to entirely prevent bed bugs as a hotel manager; since there are so many travelers, an infestation can spring up at nearly any time. Being aware of bed bugs and taking quick action is the best way for hotels to protect their guests and their reputations. Here’s what you can do to minimize the risk of a severe infestation:

  • Put insect-proof encasements on mattresses
  • Incorporate inspections into regular cleaning routines
  • Steam clean all upholstered furniture, including headboards
  • Keep guest rooms and common areas free from clutter
  • Monitor feedback from guests to see if anyone reports bed bugs
  • Coordinate with a commercial pest control professional

Signs of Bed Bugs in Hotels

As your staff cleans rooms after each guest, they should also be on the lookout for bed bugs. The faster they can catch an infestation, the more easily you will be able to contain it. Educate your staff on the signs of bed bugs in hotels, which include:

  • Visible Bugs: Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that can sometimes be seen crawling on mattresses, bedding, or furniture.
  • Dark Spots: Dark spots or stains on bedding, mattresses, or furniture may indicate bed bug fecal matter or blood stains left behind after feeding.
  • Eggshells and Shed Skins: Bed bugs shed their skins as they grow, leaving behind translucent eggshells and molted exoskeletons in areas where they hide.
  • Musty Odor: A sweet, musty odor may be present in rooms with a significant bed bug infestation, particularly in enclosed spaces like closets or behind furniture.

What to Do if Your Hotel Has Bed Bugs

Finding bed bugs in your hotel is an incredibly stressful situation. It’s important to take fast action to prevent the infestation from spreading and potentially harming more guests. In such circumstances, it’s best to turn to professional bed bug exterminators. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to effectively eliminate bed bugs and minimize disruption to hotel operations. 

At Batzner Pest Control, we’re proud to offer a wide range of bed bug removal services for hotel managers in Wisconsin. We offer discreet services that will quickly contain the issue without alarming guests. If your hotel is experiencing an outbreak of bed bugs, contact us today!

Cicada Extravaganza in Wisconsin

Cicada in Wisconsin - Batzner pest control

This year, Batzner Pest Control invites you to witness an enthralling natural spectacle captivating the hearts of those in Wisconsin. We are poised on the verge of a rare natural occurrence, where the whispers of history intermingle with the present through the enthralling song of cicadas. This event is not just a display of nature’s beauty but also an excellent opportunity to delve into the rhythms and cycles of the natural world. Join us on this enlightening journey to uncover the enigmatic life cycles of cicadas, their impact on the ecosystem, and how we can live in harmony with these astonishing creatures.

The Rarity Of This Event

The year 2024 is marked by the extraordinary emergence of two cicada broods in Wisconsin, a spectacle last witnessed 221 years ago and not due to recur until 2245. From mid-May to late June, we are given a unique opportunity to witness these large broods emerge in unison.

Cicada Basics

Buried beneath the earth for the majority of their existence, cicadas surface primarily for mating, signaling the ending of their life cycle. With life spans of 13-17 years, their synchronized surfacing orchestrates a summer-long concert of buzzing and ticks. 

Are Cicadas Harmful?

Although cicadas pose no direct threat to humans, their abundant populations can negatively affect young plants and trees that make up their diet. By understanding their ecological role, we can implement strategies to protect our greenery with minimal intervention from pest control services.

Is Cicada Extermination Needed?

While they will emerge in large numbers, there’s no need for cicada extermination. Since they don’t harm humans but may damage plants Batzner recommends using netting on younger trees and plants to protect them against cicadas, note it’s not necessary for larger trees. 

An Unusual Aspect: Cicada Fluid Dynamics

Among the lesser-known characteristics of cicadas is their impressive ability to eject urine with force. Unlike other xylem-feeding insects that consume the fluid from trees and plants and release urine in simple droplets. Cicadas, driven by their large xylem intake, can spray fluid forcefully. This might result in an unexpected sprinkle if you’re underneath a tree canopy during cicada season.

Looking Ahead

The cicada event this year transcends mere curiosity, offering a moment to reflect on the intricate and rhythmic patterns of our planet. It presents an opportunity to learn from a phenomenon that spans centuries, enriching our appreciation of the natural world around us. 

We aim to emphasize the ecological importance of this cicada event, promoting coexistence between humans and insects. Should you need guidance or assistance with the Cicada event or other pest concerns, contact Batzner Pest Control

What Are Some Common Pests Found In Warehouses?

Warehouse Pest Control in Wisconsin - Batzner pest control

Warehouses can be an attractive environment for many pests. The large, open layouts of warehouse facilities provide ample hiding spots for pests, such as corners, cracks, crevices, and drains, where they will nest, feed, and reproduce. Additionally, open doors and loading docks create easy entry points for pests, while frequent shipments and deliveries can unknowingly transport new pests into your space, leading to rapid infestations. With their busy schedules, warehouse workers may often overlook early signs of pest infestations, which makes working with a pest control company specializing in commercial pest management crucial.

Common Pests in Warehouses

Some pests can infest a warehouse quickly, which creates many challenges when it comes to pest treatment and management. Whether you’re an owner, manager, or employee of a warehouse, it is important to be aware of common pests that could potentially infest and disrupt your facility. Below are some of the most common pests found in warehouse environments and the problems they can cause:


Cockroaches are known to carry bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella. They can also leave fecal matter, leading to odor issues and unsightly stains on surfaces such as walls, floors, and equipment. These widely detested pests can infiltrate warehouses and businesses through shipments and deliveries, thriving on or in materials commonly present in warehouses, like cardboard boxes and wood. Due to their preference for dark and secluded areas, cockroach infestations can often go unnoticed until their population has reached critical levels.


 Birds like to create nests and perches in the high ceilings, rafters, and exposed beams in warehouses. Their chirping and flying through the facility can be distracting and unsettling for your employees, while their droppings pose contamination risks to products and equipment. Bird droppings carry pathogens that can potentially cause a variety of diseases. Unwanted birds can disrupt warehouse operations, impede productivity, and tarnish your business’s reputation. Certain bird species are protected and must be handled by an expert, making it critical to work with a pest control or bird control specialist for proper identification before attempting to get rid of them.


Commensal rodents, such as rats and mice, can infiltrate warehouses through tiny openings as small as a quarter (for rats) or a dime (for mice), depending on the specific species. Like cockroaches, rodents quickly reproduce leading to large infestations rapidly. They will leave behind unhygienic droppings and are known to carry a variety of pathogens, causing various diseases, posing contamination risks to products and equipment, and potentially endangering the health of workers, customers, and visitors. Additionally, rodent gnawing can damage structures, electrical wiring, equipment, and product packaging. Their presence creates an unpleasant work environment, and addressing rodent issues can disrupt warehouse schedules, productivity, and efficiency.


Flies can infiltrate warehouses through openings such as doors, windows, and cracks, causing irritation to employees and visitors with their incessant buzzing and, depending on the species, biting. They can carry pathogens responsible for diseases, contributing to the spread of foodborne illnesses. Controlling fly populations can be challenging, especially since tiny fly larvae thrive in many areas within warehouses, including floor drains, trash bins, and recycling containers. Large flies are commonly found during the warm weather when they are most active and reproducing. In contrast, small flies are nuisances throughout the year, often entering the warehouses on produce or coming from multiple breeding sites throughout the facility, making detection and elimination difficult.


Wildlife pests, including raccoons, squirrels, bats, and other small animals, commonly seek shelter and warmth inside warehouse facilities. They not only disrupt and scare workers and visitors but also leave behind hazardous droppings and can cause extensive damage to structures and property, potentially impacting your business’s reputation.

In addition to the many issues caused by pests, their presence can violate compliance and regulatory standards in some industries. Partnering with a commercial pest control company is important to maintain a hygienic manufacturing facility. Batzner Pest Control offers tailored, efficient pest control solutions for warehouses with minimal disruption to your facility’s operations. We employ proactive prevention measures and monitor pest activity to ensure that pests are gone for good. At Batzner Pest Control, we also provide training for your staff on identifying and addressing potential pest issues to prevent pest problems.

Contact the commercial pest experts at Batzner Pest Control today for a free estimate and to protect your building from these unwanted intruders

Late Summer Pests

Cockroaches on wall in New Berlin, WI

Summers are known for warmer days, sunsets, and festivals. It’s a splendid time of the year, brimming with bright sunny days and the creation of wonderful lifelong memories. Regrettably, as summer progresses into its later months, pests can disrupt your seasonal enjoyment. These summer pests share our affection for warm weather and are inclined to infest your property during this cheerful time.

Types of Late Summer Pests:

  • Ants – The latter part of summer plays a pivotal role in ant reproduction and the establishment of new colonies. Their expansive colonies have the potential to result in infestations in your home and businesses. Their small size enables them to enter structures effortlessly, where they pose a risk of structural harm to homes and can transmit bacteria.
  • Stinging Insects Encounters with wasps, bees, and hornets often become more frequent in the later stages of summer. During this period, these summer pests tend to exhibit heightened aggression because of the decreasing availability of their food sources. 
  • Cockroaches – Cockroach infestations have a tendency to escalate due to the warm weather, which creates ideal conditions for their breeding and movement. Cockroaches are recognized carriers and transmitters of bacteria. They are capable of polluting food and various surfaces within homes. This can give rise to potential health hazards like foodborne illnesses, gastrointestinal issues, and allergic reactions.
  • Fleas and Mites – Late summer is a time of heightened activity among fleas and mites. These summer pests are capable of transmitting a range of diseases through their bites. The resulting illnesses can cause symptoms that span from slight discomfort to serious afflictions, impacting both humans and pets alike.
  • Crawling Insects – Weather with warm temperatures is ideal for spiders, centipedes, and other crawling insects. If the weather gets too hot, crawling insects will seek relief inside. The warm weather will also attract the insects they feed upon. The presence of these summer pests can indicate that there might be an underlying pest issue that is attracting them. 
  • Rodents – Late summer offers an ideal environment for rapid rodent breeding. If left unattended, a small number can swiftly transform into a major infestation. Rodents, such as mice and rats, bring about substantial risks to both our well-being and property.
  • Birds – Certain bird species might display heightened territorial and aggressive tendencies, particularly when they are in the midst of nesting. Birds like pigeons and starlings, for instance, can showcase aggression when they detect potential dangers to their nesting locations. Additionally, some bird species can harbor illnesses that are transferable to humans.

Take Preemptive Action   

Don’t wait for pests to invade your home and disrupt your peace of mind. Be proactive in protecting your property with preemptive measures. Reach out to the experts at Batzner Pest Control for professional action and year-round pest control.

How do you Check for Bed Bugs at Your Airbnb or Hotel

bed bugs in airbnb in New Berlin, WI

Traveling is a wonderful opportunity to explore new places, experience different cultures, and create cherished memories. However, alongside the excitement of travel comes a potential downside that’s often overlooked, the risk of encountering bed bugs in accommodations that are not your own. These tiny, elusive pests can easily hitch a ride back home with you, leading to a nightmare of an infestation. Let’s explore the challenges connected with coming across bed bugs while traveling and the essential measures to stop them from establishing themselves in your household.

Bed Bugs and Travel

Bed bugs have the remarkable ability to hide within tiny cracks and crevices, sustaining themselves for extended periods without food. This ability allows them to remain hidden during travel in your luggage, clothing, and personal items. Whether you’re lodging in hotels, Airbnb accommodations, or visiting friends and family, the prospect of encountering these elusive pests is a genuine concern.

Once these tiny insects infiltrate your belongings, they can effortlessly return to your residence. Bed bugs reproduce at an astonishing pace, and what begins as a minor infestation can swiftly transform into a significant predicament, resulting in irritating bites, and sleepless nights.

Identifying Bed Bugs

When traveling, taking preventive measures and being vigilant can save you from the frightening ordeal of a bed bug infestation. Here are steps you can take to identify the presence of bed bugs in your Airbnb accommodations or hotel: 

  • Before settling in, carefully examine the bedding, mattress seams, and box springs for signs of bed bugs. Look for small reddish-brown bugs, tiny white eggs, shed skins, or small black stains (fecal matter).
  • Inspect upholstered furniture, headboards, and nightstands for the same signs of infestation. Bed bugs can hide in any small crack or crevice.
  • Keep your luggage off the bed and elevated on luggage racks. When you return home, unpack outside or in a dedicated space and inspect your belongings for any signs of bed bugs.
  • Consider using sealed plastic bags for your clothes and personal items. This can prevent bed bugs from infesting your belongings.
  • A flashlight can help you thoroughly examine even the darkest corners for signs of bed bugs.

Preventing Bed Bugs From Hitching a Ride 

It’s essential to prevent bed bugs from hitching a ride home with you. Here are a few steps you can follow to steer clear of transporting these pests back to your home: 

  • Seal clothing and items in plastic bags or packing cubes. This creates a barrier between your belongings and potential bed bugs.
  • Bed bugs can easily hide in the fabric of soft luggage. Consider using hard-shelled suitcases that are less likely to provide hiding spots.
  • Wash all your clothes, even those that were unworn, in hot water after returning from a trip. High heat kills bed bugs and their eggs.
  • Before bringing your luggage inside, inspect it for any signs of bed bugs. Vacuum and wipe down the exterior.

Professional Bed Bug Extermination in Wisconsin

If you suspect bed bugs have infested your home after traveling, seeking professional help is essential. The only way to be sure you haven’t brought bed bugs into your home is to hire expert bed bug exterminators to inspect your home. Pest control companies such as Batzner Pest Control have the expertise to identify and effectively treat bed bug infestations, ensuring your home returns to a pest-free* state. 

Protecting Your Dog from Tick Bites with Batzner

Checking dog for ticks in Wisconsin | Batzner Pest Control

Exploring the outdoors of Wisconsin is exciting for everyone, but there are pests in the tall grass that can ruin the fun. Ticks can cause discomfort for pets and pose many health risks. It’s essential to understand how to identify, remove, and prevent ticks to safeguard our dogs effectively.

Identifying Ticks and Where to Find Them

Ticks are small parasites that feed on animal blood. They tend to latch onto areas with less hair and more blood flow, such as the ears, neck, stomach, and legs. Tick bites can transmit diseases within 24 hours, which can cause a range of health issues in dogs. These diseases include

Preventing Ticks on Your Dog

It’s best to use a tick-preventive product year-round for ongoing protection. There are different options available, including topical products, oral medications, and collars. Consult with your veterinarian to select the option that works the best for you.

In addition to using preventive products, you can take the following measures to help protect your dog from ticks: 

  • Perform daily tick checks, especially after outdoor activities. 
  • Avoid areas with tall grass, brush, or woods where ticks are commonly found. 
  • Keep your yard clean and well-maintained to reduce tick habitats.

Properly Removing a Tick

If you discover a tick on your dog, it’s crucial to remove it promptly. Follow these steps to successfully remove it

  1. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grab the tick by the head. 
  2. Pull directly upward with a steady, even force.
  3. Avoid twisting the tick; this can break off the mouth parts or sections of head of the tick and leave it in the skin. 
  4. After removing the tick, wash and disinfect the area. 
  5. Save the tick in a small jar for reference incase an illness arises. 

Tick Prevention for Your Home

For comprehensive protection against ticks and other pests, Batzner Pest Control is here to help. Our expert team provides thorough inspections, customized treatment plans, and regular service schedules to keep you pest-free*. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that we have the experience, knowledge, and tools to prevent ticks. Don’t let ticks compromise your dog’s health and happiness. Contact Batzner Pest Control today to take proactive measures and ensure a tick-free environment for your furry friend.

Safeguarding Your Pets From Ticks This Summer

Dog running through a field in Wisconsin

Brace yourselves because summer’s approaching, and you know what that means—those dreaded ticks are about to crash the paw-ty. Don’t underestimate these bloodsucking creatures; they have the power to upend your dog’s environment completely. But fear not! You can keep ticks off your dog with these foolproof tips. Get ready to protect your furry friend and ensure their tail wags joyfully!

Why Ticks Are More Than Just Irritating

Forget about just being annoying – ticks are the supervillains of the pet world. These teeny terrors can transmit all sorts of nasty diseases, including the infamous Lyme disease, which Wisconsin knows all too well. Joint pain, fever, and organ damage can be on the menu if your pup falls prey to these villains. So, fighting off ticks is not just about comfort. It’s also about safeguarding your pets’ health and well-being.

Tips for Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs

The best way to keep your furry friends safe from ticks is to be proactive about prevention. Taking just a few minutes before and after going outdoors could save you both a trip to the vet. Thankfully, tick prevention doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. Follow these steps to keep ticks off your pets this summer:

Go on a Tick Scavenger Hunt

Did you know that a tick can stay on a pet for up to 6 days at a time? That’s why it’s important to check your furry friends (and yourself!) for ticks any time you go on an outdoor adventure. Every time you come indoors after playing outside, perform a tick check. Be sure to thoroughly examine your pet, including areas such as:

  • In or behind their ears
  • Paws or between toes
  • Knees or armpits
  • Belly or tail

If you find any ticks, remove them carefully using tweezers or a tick removal tool. If you don’t feel comfortable performing the removal on your own, contact your veterinarian for assistance.

Find Tick-free Zones

Tick hotspot alert! Tall grass and woodlands are like luxury resorts for these bloodsuckers. But fear not! When exploring Wisconsin’s glorious outdoors, steer clear of these tick-friendly spots. Stick to well-maintained paths and keep your pup on a leash, avoiding shady deals with those tick-infested areas.

Have a Doggie Spa Day

Who doesn’t love a fresh-smelling furball? Regular baths are like kryptonite to ticks. Give your four-legged friend a luxurious scrub with a dog-friendly shampoo, paying extra attention to their paws and belly. A squeaky-clean pup wins in the snuggle department and repels those tick villains like a charm!

Get a Tick-Repellent Dog Vest

Ready to take your pup on a thrilling outdoor mission? Gear up with a tick-repellent dog vest. It is like a superhero suit but more stylish. These vests provide extra protection against those pesky parasites and transform your furry sidekick into the coolest adventurer in town.

Professional Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs: Batzner Pest Control to the Rescue!

It is time to call the big guns when the tick invasion gets out of control. Batzner Pest Control, the champion of tick annihilation, has your back. We understand how important it is to protect your pets, which is why we go the extra mile to deliver exceptional services that focus on long-term protection. With our team, you can expect:

  • Experience and Expertise: With over 75 years of battling pests, our extermination experts know the ins and outs tick control. 
  • Eco-warriors Unite: Batzner Pest Control fights the good fight for a greener world. We prioritize using environmentally responsible products and techniques to help protect your pets and family.

Ticks may be tiny troublemakers, but they don’t have to spoil your pup’s joyride through life. Armed with these tips, you will keep your furry friend safe and tick-free. Remember to chat with your veterinarian about tick repellants, and if the situation gets out of hand, call Batzner Pest Control today.

Preparing for Stinging Insect Season

a close-up of a bee stinging a person's wrist

Summer in Wisconsin is the best time to enjoy the sun, fresh air, and time with friends and family! Nothing can ruin your outdoor gathering quicker than a sting from a bee, wasp, or hornet. They will not only leave you with a painful sting but can also send those who are allergic to the hospital. Don’t let these stinging insects keep you from enjoying your yard this summer. Follow these few simple steps to keep your yard stinging insect free!

Identifying Common Stinging Insects


The most common types of wasps you may find in your yard are yellowjackets, mud daubers and paper wasps. These types of wasps usually build their nests in protected areas such as under the eaves of homes. Mud daubers’ nests are unique clusters of 1-inch mud tubes whereas yellow jackets and paper wasps build nests out of a papery substance made from wood fiber.


One type of hornet you may encounter is the bald-faced hornet. They are easily identified by their black and white bodies and are extremely aggressive, stinging anyone who comes near their nests. Another common hornet found in Wisconsin is the European hornet. They are large brown and orange-colored hornets, their nests are commonly found in hollow or protected areas. 


Bees are known for their fuzzy bodies. The two most common types of bees are bumblebees and honey bees. Bees are extremely beneficial to our environment and play a crucial role in pollinating many flowers, fruits, and vegetables. If you find a beehive on your property, it is normally recommended you call a beekeeper or pest control company to relocate the hive instead of destroying it. 

Rid Your Yard of Stinging Insects

After finding stinging insects around your home, many people’s first thought is “How do I get rid of them?” Here are a few easy ways to rid your yard of stinging insects.

  1. Remove abandoned nests in the winter: During the colder months, many stinging insects will leave their nests. This is the perfect time to remove nests to keep them from returning. If you find an active nest, removing them before they become more of a problem is best. For an active or abandoned nest, it is best to leave removal to professionals. Most stinging insects can sting multiple times and possibly send you to the emergency room.
  2. Hang traps: There are several types of stinging insect traps available at most big box stores. Some traps contain a sweet liquid to lure and trap the stinging insects while others emit a specialized frequency. Traps are not effective in eliminating nests, but they will keep the insects away from your patio – on the condition that you hang them away from areas of heavy foot traffic. Place them too close and you’re effectively bringing the wasps directly to you!
  3. Cover garbage cans: Wasps and hornets are known to fly around garbage cans looking for discarded meat or sweet, sugary substances. Make sure all garbage cans have lids that are securely closed to keep these scavengers away from your garbage cans and yard. 

Calling the Professionals

The easiest and safest way to rid your yard of stinging insects is to enlist professional help. Trying to remove a nest by yourself can be dangerous and leave you with painful stings. Professional exterminators not only have the expertise to remove stinging insects but will also have the equipment to ensure it is done safely. At Batzner Pest Control, our skilled technicians will be able to quickly and effectively rid your yard of any stinging insects, keeping you and your family safe. Contact us today for a free quote!


Mosquito Prevention: The Do’s and the Don’ts

Zoomed in picture of a mosquito sitting on a container of water.

Much like a sunburn, mosquito bites are one of tell-tale indications of the spring and summer. Also like at a sunburn, there are some steps you can take to prevent mosquitoes before they cause a full-blown infestation. 

In Wisconsin along the shores of Lake Michigan, mosquitoes have a natural breeding ground right in your backyard. Though these pests may just seem like a mild annoyance, they can also pose significant health risks. Taking steps to prevent mosquitoes will help to protect you and your family while making outdoor time even more enjoyable. 

Dangers of the Mosquito

Most of us are familiar with the itchy red bumps caused by mosquito bites. But, did you know that these tiny insects are one of the most dangerous on the planet? Mosquito bites can have many serious health consequences, including:

  • Disease Transmission: Mosquitoes are known to transmit several diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, Zika Virus, and West Nile Virus. These diseases can be mild to severe, and in some cases, life-threatening. 
  • Allergic Reactions: Some people develop allergic reactions to mosquito bites which can cause an already annoying bite to carry more dangers. Symptoms can include swelling, redness, and itching. If the allergy is severe enough, anaphylaxis can even occur.
  • Secondary Infection: When you have an itchy bite, the natural reaction is to scratch it. When you scratch a mosquito bite you can break the skin, which increases the risk of developing a secondary bacterial infection.

Mosquito Prevention: The Don’ts

There are countless home remedies that claim to solve all of your mosquito problems, but not all of them are effective. To avoid wasting your time and money on methods that don’t work, steer clear of these unsuccessful techniques:

  1. Bug Zappers: While these ultraviolet lights attract many insects, mosquitoes are not one of them. Mosquitoes are drawn to the carbon dioxide we exhale and body heat, things a bug zapper does not produce.
  2. Citronella Candles: While these candles are helpful to an extent, they are not effective at covering large areas. They lose their potency quickly and need to be replaced frequently.
  3. Essential Oils: While essential oils such as lemon eucalyptus oil have been found to have some repellent properties, they don’t last long enough to be effective. Moreover, concentration of active ingredients vary wildly between different manufacturers. 

Mosquito Prevention: The Do’s

So what can you do to prevent mosquitoes if even the citronella candles don’t work well? Fortunately, you have several good options to choose from Take these steps to stay ahead of the problem and prevent a mosquito infestation:

  1. Remove Standing Water: Since mosquitoes reproduce in the water, one of the best prevention steps is to remove the breeding ground. Drain all standing water from buckets, flower pots, or other containers that may collect rainwater. Also make sure to fix any leaky outdoor faucets, overflowing gutters, or broken pipes.
  2. Use Mosquito Netting: By placing mosquito netting around your doors or outdoor seating area, you’re able to take advantage of the wonderful weather conditions spring and summer bring without worrying about mosquitoes coming in. If you are camping or sleeping in an outdoor area, mosquito netting around your bed helps prevent bites. 
  3. Mosquito Traps: Mosquito traps are very effective at killing a large number of these pests. The traps use a combination of attractants, such as carbon dioxide or heat, and keep the insects inside once they are attracted. 
  4. Keep Grass Short: Mosquitoes like tall grass and overgrown vegetation. Keep your lawn tidy and well-trimmed to discourage them from settling into your property.

Professional Help is Here

Though it’s possible to deter mosquitoes from infesting your yard, these pests are incredibly persistent and may still cause you trouble. If you find your home invaded with these buzzing pests, call Batzner Pest Control. With over 75 years of experience, our professionals know the best ways to exterminate mosquitoes and provide prevention tips to avoid further infestations. Call today for a free quote! 

Pests that Swarm in Spring

Bees swarming on a hive

With warmer weather and spring rains, insects are starting to reappear. Spring is here in Wisconsin, which means swarming insects are returning: Termites, ants, bees and wasps are some of the most common pests in the Midwest this time of year. These insects can spoil your backyard events very quickly and even lead to indoor infestations. Knowing about the pests that swarm in spring can help you protect your space all year long.

What is a  Swarm?

A swarm is a large group of winged insects that gathers to feed and breed. Swarms are most common in the spring while the weather starts to heat up. Most swarms last for one to a few days, and this process plays an important role in establishing colonies. If insects swarm near your home, they could become a full-blown infestation and lead to a year-long problem.

Common Swarming Insects in Wisconsin

Though swarming is a natural behavior for insects, it can lead to serious problems for property owners. To keep your home and garden pest-free*, it’s helpful to look out for these common swarming insects in our Wisconsin: 


All species of termites swarm. Though termites look very similar to winged ants, you can tell them apart by their straight antennae and equal-sized wings. Since termites typically remain inside of wooden structures, you should also watch for these signs of an infestation:

  • Mud tubes along the walls or floor
  • Droppings, old wings, and dead insects
  • Piles of “frass” (similar to sawdust)
  • Damaged wooden structures

Termites can infest a wide variety of wooden structures, from fences and sheds to attics and firewood. Though termites are not toxic, they can cause extensive damage that may cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to repair. If you suspect that there are termites in your property, it’s crucial to contact a pest professional as quickly as possible to identify and eliminate the infestation.


If you’ve ever noticed a sudden influx of ants in early spring, then you’re not alone. This time of year brings mild weather, plenty of water, and ample food sources – all of which allow ants to thrive. These pests can be bothersome and persistent, especially if they make it into your home. Though ants can be challenging to get rid of, there are a few steps you can take early in the year to prevent an infestation from forming in the first place:

  • Store your food in airtight containers
  • Clean up after eating outdoors
  • Store trash in lidded bins
  • Regularly sweep floors and wash counters


Bees are beneficial insects that play an important role in the health of our local environments. That said, they’re still stinging pests that can cause major problems if they settle in too close to your home or garden. Since spring is the time of year that bees swarm to grow or establish their colonies, this is also the time of year to prevent them from infesting your space:

  • Seal any openings that lead into your home: The last thing you want is a bee’s nest indoors. Go around your property and check for any cracks, gaps, or torn screens that could lead them into your house. 
  • Remove sources of standing water: Bees need water to survive, but they don’t need much – even a tiny puddle is enough. Remove sources of water, such as dripping faucets or empty flower pots in your garden.
  • Clean up after eating outdoors: Contrary to popular belief, bees don’t only eat nectar. They also consume protein-based foods and sweets. If you have a barbeque or picnic outside, be sure to clean up all of your leftovers, including crumbs.


Though wasps look a lot like bees, they are very aggressive and can pose a safety risk to anybody who enters your property – especially small children, pets, and individuals with allergies. Most wasps are black and have white, orange, or yellow markings with small pinched waists and hairless bodies. To keep wasps off of your property, follow these tips:

  • Keep pet food bowls clean and indoors
  • Clean up leftovers immediately, especially outdoors
  • Remove sources of standing water on your property
  • Check eves, wall panels, and playground equipment for nests
  • Pick up fallen fruit that lands in your garden

If you notice wasps on your property, contact a professional right away. Approaching a nest without the right equipment and expertise could lead to severe stings and injury. An expert will be able to safely eliminate the pests and prevent them from returning to your home in the future.

Pest Control this Spring

As your local exterminators, we know how important it is to keep you and your family safe from pests in the Wisconsin area. The Batzner Pest Control team is dedicated to protecting your home from pests year-round with regular inspections and custom treatment plans. Whether you want a one-time service or ongoing pest protection, we have you covered! Our guarantee is to provide you with pest-free* living. Contact us today to get your free quote!