It’s no secret that bed bugs are seriously creepy creatures. After all, they like to live near your bed and feed on your blood while you’re sleeping. Disturbing, right? If you think you may have bed bugs, you should look in two places for evidence: on your body and in your room.
Bed Bug Evidence on Your Body
The primary sign of bed bugs on your body are red, itchy bites, usually appearing on skin that’s exposed while sleeping. Bed bug bites are often mistaken for mosquito bites or bites from other insects, and some people show no reaction at all to bed bug bites. So it’s no wonder they go undetected for long periods. Bed bugs might be present if you are waking up with bites you can’t explain. The biting pattern is usually in straight rows, unlike the sporadic biting of other insects. Also look for:
- Raised, red welts
- Burning and itching
- Bed bug bite rash across localized area
Bed Bug Evidence in the Room
Bed bugs are clever enough to hide during the day but leave behind the evidence of their blood-thirsty crimes. Their carelessness is one of the best indicators your room is overrun with bed bugs. You will often see evidence of a bed bug infestation without actually seeing any bed bugs. Below are secondary signs you can look for.
- Fecal stains in the areas they inhabit
- Fecal spots will not flake off if rubbed and will smear if wiped with a wet rag
- Fecal stains will be black due to the digested blood that is excreted
- Rusty or reddish stains on bed sheets or mattresses caused by bed bugs being crushed
- A clear bed bug shell, or exoskeleton, which is shed as the bed bug grows larger
- A live bed bug
I Have Evidence of Bed Bugs, But How Do I Find Them?
Bed bugs hide in a variety of places when they are not feeding. If you know the right place to look, you may be able to spot bed bugs. Adult bed bugs can be seen with the naked eye. Their favorite spots include around the bed, near seams and tags of mattresses and box springs, and in cracks on the bed frame and headboard. If the room is heavily infested, bed bugs may be found in these additional places:
- In seams of chairs and couches, between cushions, in the folds of curtains
- In drawer joints
- Under loose wall paper and wall hangings
- In electrical outlets and appliances
- At the junction where the wall and the ceiling meet
If you think bed bugs have invaded your home, call 866-591-3519 or contact Batzner online today! Our team of specialists will discuss treatment options and recommend the right plan for your property. Sleep well again and get all the beauty rest you deserve.
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How Do I Know If I Have Bed Bugs in Wisconsin Learn About the Signs of Bed Bugs?
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