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Mosquito Treatment

For mosquito bites to heal properly, it’s important to thoroughly wash the bites with soap and water. To ease itchiness, apply over-the-counter creams with hydrocortisone. Learn more tips here!

To get rid of mosquitoes in your Wisconsin yard, there are mosquito traps, netting, repellents, and more. Find out more about the best ways to get rid of mosquito problems—for good!

For the best results, it is recommended to get professional help for mosquito treatment. Learn more about the pros and cons of DIY mosquito treatment with tips from our experts.

Mosquito treatment should start before mosquito season begins in the summer months. Here in Wisconsin, early May is typically the best time to consider getting mosquito treatment.

When applied by a professional mosquito exterminator, mosquito repellents or barrier treatments are completely safe for you, your family, and your property. Find out more!

Barrier treatments are considered to be one of the most effective mosquito treatments. This provides a custom, targeted approach to keeping mosquitoes away throughout mosquito season.

Mosquito treatment is an effective way of preventing mosquito problems in your home or yard. The best treatments help prevent future mosquito generations from hatching. Learn more.

On average, mosquito treatment lasts for one to two months. This makes it essential to work with a professional mosquito exterminator who can reapply treatment if and when you need it.